In AFT MI Update

Fight for Fair Healthcare!

​Calling all public-sector workers! The labor movement is holding a virtual informational town hall this Thursday, January 30, 2025, 7pm on upcoming changes to public-sector workers’ healthcare.

Michigan’s Speaker of the House, Matt Hall (R), is unconstitutionally refusing to transmit an already passed bill to the Governor, meaning public-sector workers will face rising healthcare costs — in some cases, by thousands of dollars a year. Join this town hall to hear an important update from your union on what this means for you, your families, the labor movement, and what we can do to stop it. 

Click HERE to Register for this Town Hall

Please click here to send a letter to Matt Hall asking he send HB 6058 to the Governor.

Please send a letter to the Governor asking her to sign HB 6058 when it reaches her desk.

Labor Condemns Passage of Bills Cutting Minimum Wage, Sick Leave Benefits

Michigan AFL-CIO President Ron Bieber released the following statement in response to the Michigan House of Representatives vote on legislation undermining the Supreme Court ruling in the Mothering Justice decision. The legislation, HB 4001 and HB 4002 would cut the pay for more than 500,000 workers by as much as $2,400 a year, and end guaranteed paid sick leave for nearly 1.5 million people.

“Six years ago, a Republican majority engaged in underhanded, unconstitutional tricks to deny a pay raise and paid sick leave for hard working Michiganders. Now, less than a month before workers are about to finally get the pay and benefits they deserve, the new Republican majority is trying to pull the rug out from under working families. Every legislator, regardless of their party, should be held accountable for their vote to cut the pay and benefits for workers most in need. The legislature should respect the Supreme Court ruling and allow the minimum wage to increase and guarantee all workers have the ability to take care of themselves and their families when they are sick.”

GEOC Rally for a Fair Contract

GEOC at Wayne State University, the union of graduate employees, is kicking off their contract campaign this week with a Day Without Grad Workers Action. Show your solidarity by joining them for a rally, teach-in and practice picket on Wednesday 1/29 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Faculty Administration Building on Wayne State’s Campus!

UPAMM Ratifies New Contract

The United Physician Assistants of Michigan Medicine (UPAMM/AFT 5297) has ratified a new contract with the University of Michigan. Highlights include important gains on salary parity, strengthening the voice of PAs in decision-making to maintain a collaborative relationship with administration at the institution. Great work by the UPAMM leadership team and congratulations to the members of UPAMM on the new agreement!

Winter Union Building Institute (UBI)

February 3-6, all sessions are at 5 PM over Zoom

Are you a workplace leader looking to develop your union leadership skills? Wondering where to start when it comes to being a building representative, steward, or union member? Workplace leaders and members are invited to sign up for various virtual sessions designed to support members develop skills and build on existing knowledge and skills around core union capacities throughout the week of February 3rd. Sessions are focused on core areas of AFT Michigan’s Power Wheel and include skills you can take back to your workplace the next day around organizing, communicating, and representing your colleagues! 

Register today at

Contribute to the AFT Michigan PAC Today

AFT Michigan fights for our members, students, patients and communities all year round and we need your help. Can you donate $1 a week to aid us in this fight? Please visit the AFT Michigan website to contribute and make a big difference in protecting public education and building a better Michigan future! 

In solidarity,

Terrence Martin

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