UPDATE: download the flier (pdf) SIGN UP: here
You are invited to the 3rd Annual League of Extraordinary Educators Winter Organizing Summit.
Expect a positive, fun filled day – where you will learn the skills to make education elevated to its proper place of importance in Michigan.
Please attend to help build union capacity and power for the challenges that lie before us. Bring co-workers you know who are interested by talking to coworkers about union solidarity!
Build solidarity with other education union locals in the state and learn how to build it in your own local!
Learn how to build our union power
Learn how to talk to members about building solidarity
Plan/set goals for member-to-member conversations
February 21st, 2015 9:30am to 3:30pm Light breakfast and lunch provided.
Iron Workers Local 25
25150 Trans X Road, Novi, MI 48375 (map)
RSVP (attendance and if you would like to help plan / organize for this event)
at http://LinkPl.us/WinterOrganizingSummit2015 and connect with the Facebook event.
For more info contact
Mark Dilley mdilley@aftmichigan.org 313-942-9454
Eric Lindemier elindemier@aftmichigan.org 248-933-6839