In AFT MI Update

MI Educators Sound Alarm About the Future of Teaching

In a recent Public News Service article, Toni Coral, Hamtramck Federation of Teachers President and AFT Michigan Vice President, voiced concerns shared by many of us on the future of the profession at a time when more teachers are needed. 

Fall Union Building Institute (UBI)

September 30-October 3, all sessions are 5-6 PM over Zoom

Are you a workplace leader looking to develop your union leadership skills? Wondering where to start when it comes to being a building representative, steward, or union member? Workplace leaders and members are invited to sign up for various virtual sessions designed to support members develop skills and build on existing knowledge and skills around core union capacities throughout the week of September 30- October 3. Sessions are focused on core areas of AFT Michigan’s Power Wheel and include skills you can take back to your workplace the next day around organizing, communicating, and representing your colleagues! 

Register today at

Member Organizing Institute (MOI) Registration and Upcoming Orientation

For building representatives and department stewards looking for a community of workplace leaders to learn and grow alongside, AFT Michigan is offering a Member Organizing Institute (MOI) cohort that provides workplace leaders an opportunity to learn more and practice the skills of effective building reps and department stewards.

A member’s ability to draw from personal work and union experience to engage and activate potential members is invaluable. The program seeks to foster a culture of organizing and member engagement by supporting the work of union-building in workplaces throughout our locals. Orientation is on October 5, at the AFT Michigan, David Hecker Building (2661 E. Jefferson Detroit, MI 48207) and is required to participate in the program. Ongoing training and support is provided by AFT Michigan Thursdays over Zoom, 6 PM-7 PM from October 10- November 21. Workplace leaders who participate in MOI will receive a copy of AFT’s Organizing and Union-Building Model “Powering Up”.

Learn more here! Space is limited. Please reach out to Meenakshi Mukherjee ( with any questions. Register at today!

CLCS Latina/o Worker Leadership Institute, September 26-28, 2024

The Latina/o Worker Leadership Institute invites all workers, union or non-union, and activists from allied organizations to share ideas and grow skills for responding to the challenges facing Latina/o working persons and learn about Latina/o culture. Workshops include Union and Community Mobilization, Latin Contributions to the Labor Movement, and  Latina/o’s in Leadership-Your Power is in Your Vote. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds. 

The Workers’ Pride Conference on October 12, 2024 invites all union and non-union workers and activists from allied organizations to share ideas and grow skills for responding to the challenges facing working people. Instructors, facilitators, and coordinators are drawn from the LGBTQ community. Workshops include Contract Language & Policy for Greater LGBTQ+ Inclusion, Know Your Legal Rights on the Job, the Threats Against Them, & Initiatives to Expand Them, and Be a Part of the Change: What You Can Do to Create a Culture of Inclusion on the Job and in Your Union. We welcome participants from all genders and all cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

AFT Michigan offers a limited number of need-based scholarships – if you’re interested in attending the Latina/o Worker Leadership Institute or The Workers’ Pride Conference, please have your local president reach out to Meenakshi Mukherjee at

AFT Michigan Professional Development Workshop

Equity and Social-Emotional Engagement

Saturday, November 9, 2024

AFT Michigan – David Hecker Bldg.

2661 E. Jefferson – Detroit MI

8:30 am – 4:00 pm

This in-service will introduce attendees to the Building Equity Taxonomy (BET) and its relationship to Social-Emotional Engagement (SEE). It is essential for educators to develop programs that are sensitive to the students’ social and emotional needs. 

Participants will receive 6 SCECHs after completion of this in-service.

Click here to register

Contribute to the AFT Michigan PAC Today

AFT Michigan fights for our members, students, patients and communities all year round and we need your help. Can you donate $1 a week to aid us in this fight? Please visit the AFT Michigan website to contribute and make a big difference in protecting public education and building a better Michigan future! 

In solidarity,

Terrence Martin


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