Lake Shore Federation of Support Staff Host “Spring Fling” Member Sign-up Event
Great job by the leaders of the Lake Shore Federation of Support Staff, AFT Local 4793, who recently hosted a “spring fling” as part of their membership signup campaign, which has signed up 4 new members so far. Pictured below are the LSFSS executive board members, Member Organizing Institute Fellow, and Membership Data Coordinator.
MSU GEU Signs up over 100 New Members
Two weeks ago the Graduate Employees Union (GEU) at Michigan State University, AFT Local 6196, sent an email out to all non-members with information on GEU successes in bargaining, especially during the pandemic, as well as the general benefits of joining a union, and a link to an electronic membership card. The email resulted in 114 new members and more responses continue to come in. While there is nothing that can replace in-person conversations with people about joining the union, this type of communication is one of many tools that can be a regular part of any local organizing efforts. If you would like to send an email or text like this out to non-members at your local, please contact your field representative to help you.
AFT Michigan Pride Picnic
Celebrate Pride Month at the 2nd Annual AFT Michigan Pride Picnic, Saturday, June 11, 2022, in Ann Arbor, MI
Organized by the AFT Michigan Queer Community
This community is new, growing, and open to any AFT Michigan member or staff organizer who identifies as LGBTQIA+2S! The group meets monthly via zoom, creating space for socialization, union building, and support while navigating our professional lives as queer people. Join us at our next virtual meeting on Tuesday, April 26th at 4pm. If you’re interested or have questions, contact Erin Lavin (they/she – field representative) at
Join State Senator Erika Geiss and State Representative Matt Koleszar in Combating The Push To Restrict and Censor Teaching
A message from Senator Geiss and Representative Koleszar:
We are collaborating to organize a forum for educators to work together to combat the push to restrict and censor teaching history, a prevalence of misinformation about Critical Race Theory, and how schools operate in Michigan. The ongoing attacks directed at our educators and public education in general, seem to be intensifying. Both special interest groups and some legislators are trying to create a wedge to drive students out of traditional public schools and into private, parochial, and charter schools further destabilizing the public school ecosystem. We believe that we need to come together and collaborate on solid responses and accurate messaging without repeating their talking points or amplifying their misinformation.
Please fill out the google form here: and event details will be sent out at a later date. Educators from all backgrounds are welcome.
Upcoming Union-Building Workshops
Workshop | Date | Time |
Treasurer Tuesday: Preparing for Local Financial Reviews | Tuesday, March 29, 2022 | 7:00 – 8:30 PM |
Labor & Social Movements Part II: How Our Movements are Connected in the Present Day | Thursday, March 31, 2022 | 5:00 – 6:30 PM |
Treasurer Tuesday: Budgets & Financial Statements /Convention Compliance | Tuesday, April 5, 2022 | 7:00 – 8:30 PM |
Contribute to the AFT Michigan PAC Today
AFT Michigan fights for our members, students and communities all year round and we need your help. Can you donate $1 a week to aid us in this fight? Please visit the AFT Michigan website and set up a recurring gift to make a big difference in protecting public education and building a better Michigan future!
AFT PSRP Conference – April 22, 2022
The AFT PSRP conference in St. Louis begins next month on Friday, April 22! You can quickly and easily register online by clicking here. Housing and registration deadlines are fast approaching; don’t wait until the last minute to get registered.
This year’s conference will be an exciting opportunity for both camaraderie and serious skill building. We will kick off on April 22 with three mini plenaries focusing on:
- Running a PSRP issue campaign;
- Creating leadership development strategies for new leaders; and
- Supports for organizing and community building.
From the 22nd through the 24th of April, you will have an opportunity to attend a wide range of professional development workshops that will help strengthen our union, develop leadership skills and equip workers with new tools to help us all be better advocates for our profession.
Check out the workshops being offered and get a head start planning your days at the conference.
You can also visit our conference page, which includes more detailed information on the costs, schedule, hotel accommodations, travel and a host of other frequently asked questions.
What are you waiting for? Register today!
Professional Development
Rights of Farmworkers: Labor Leaders César Chávez and Dolores Huerta
Do your students know the struggles of the farmworkers who help harvest so many American crops? Use this collection to teach about César Chávez, whose birthday is March 31.
2022 Virtual Conference Now On Demand
Were you there? All 48 of the wonderful webinars are now available on demand with closed captioning. If you are short on time but still want to earn credit, check out the highlights.
In solidarity,
David Hecker