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Terrence Martin

It’s an honor to be writing to you as AFT Michigan President. As many of you know, I’ve spent my career as an activist within the AFT, since I started as a second-grade teacher at John Lynch Elementary on the east side of Detroit. I’m excited to continue my advocacy for social, educational, and economic justice as the leader of our state federation, particularly as we expand our membership into healthcare and other fields.

Wayne State Part-Time Faculty Ratify New Contract

UPTF Local 477, the part time non-tenure track faculty local at Wayne State University, is celebrating the ratification of a new contract Everyone in the unit is getting at least a 3% raise in the first year plus 2.5% in years two and three and starting pay has increased from $1108 per credit hour to $1326, which represents a 16.5% raise for the lowest-paid individuals in the unit.  For the first time, if an instructor is teaching at least three credits, they’ll be able to take up to three credits at WSU tuition-free. Instructors can now earn an employer retirement match by contributing 4% of their salary to the 403(b), down from 5%, and the match has increased from 2% to 4%. UPTF established official policies for continued access to the library and employee software (such as Microsoft 365). Now, instructors should not lose access so long as they teach at least one semester a year. The local also gained $100 per semester payments if the employee serves on a departmental or college committees. A big gain for organizing is the addition of a new-hire orientation for Part-Time faculty, which will be developed in consultation with the union. Congratulations UPTF.

PIO Kicks off Bargaining

The Professional Instructors Organization (Local 1903) at Western Michigan University began bargaining a wage reopener recently. PIO members are ready to fight for a compensation package that respects their valuable work during the pandemic, all while cost of living and inflation have risen dramatically. Show your solidarity with PIO by signing this petition – tell WMU to stop paying poverty wages!

Hecker: Michigan Students Deserve to Learn in a Healthy Environment

The Michigan Green and Healthy Schools Coalition is committed to helping create the school environments our kids, our communities, and school employees deserve. Read more here:

Planned Parenthood Healthy Neighborhood Block Party in Detroit

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan is having a Block Party August 12th from 1-4pm at Ella Fitzgerald Park in Detroit. We will have carnival food, games, entertainment, and our partner orgs to table and sponsor the event! If you’re interested in attending, you can get more information here!

Contribute to the AFT Michigan PAC Today

AFT Michigan fights for our members, students and communities all year round and we need your help. Can you donate $1 a week to aid us in this fight? Please visit the AFT Michigan website to contribute and make a big difference in protecting public education and building a better Michigan future! 

In solidarity,

Terrence Martin


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