Lame Duck Legislative Report: Come to Lansing Wednesday!
As this session of the legislature winds down, it’s a great time to reflect on all the gains we’ve made over the past two years — regaining educators rights at the bargaining table, repealing right to work and the pension tax, and expanding the earned income credit amongst a plethora of other policies to support workers and their families; however, our work is not done. Though we have lost our allied majority in the House next term we are still fighting for pro-worker legislation throughout the lame duck session. We are fighting for the passage of
- HB 6058/SB 1129 and 1130, which would repeal the “80/20 or hard cap” on insurance for public-sector workers by converting it into an 80% floor while increasing the hard cap amounts to shift the weight of rising costs onto the employer;
- HB 6060, which would allow newly hired public school employees to opt into the defined benefit retirement plan vs. only hybrid or defined contribution plans; and
- HB 6255; which would allow the Detroit Public Schools Community District to use millage dollars to pay down the legacy debt incurred under state emergency managers.
We need YOU to ensure we get all these things and the rest of the items on the working families agenda done before legislators leave Lansing!
We will be hosting a Lobby Day Wednesday, December 18, 2024, from 10am-8pm (they will be there through the night so we would love to see you early in the morning or right after work). Meet in Room 426 of the Capitol Building, 100 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI, 48933. Please reach out to with any questions or concerns!
Support Staff of Washtenaw ISD Needs a Fair Contract
The Support Staff of the Federation of Washtenaw Intermediate School District is in need of your support. The local has been bargaining with the district for six months with little movement on wages. The employees are underpaid and overworked, our vacancy rates remain high because of our low wages, and the WISD cannot attract new employees.
Please email Washtenaw ISD Superintendent Naomi Norman,, ask her to make sure the Support Staff of the Federation of Washtenaw Intermediate School District is given a fair contract, with a fair wage increase!
Support UPAMM: Send a Letter to UM Leaders and Michigan Lawmakers!
Physician assistants at the University of Michigan Healthcare System are losing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout their career due to an unjust two-tiered wage system. The United Physician Assistants of Michigan Medicine (UPAMM AFT #5297) are fighting to obtain a contract that abolishes the two-tiered wage system and replaces it with equal compensation for equal work that physician assistants deserve.
Please click the link to send a letter to the UM President, UM Health President, UM Regents and your senators and representatives now. Tell them to bring equity to Michigan Medicine Physician Assistants!
Passing of Long Time DFT Member Dr. Crystal Lee
DFT Executive Board member Crystal Lee recently passed away. She spent over 35 years supporting special education instructional staff and teaching students with severe cognitive impairments. She devoted her life to education, her passion for teaching and her unwavering belief in the potential of every student left a lasting impact on countless lives. Crystal was also an active participant in many AFT Michigan conventions, conferences and professional development workshops. We will miss you Crystal!
Protecting the Rights of Immigrant Students
The law is clear. All students, regardless of immigration status, have the right to a K-12 public education. Denying children residing in the U.S. a public education based on their immigration status, or the perceived status of their parents or legal guardians, is illegal.
AFT members who work in schools—from teachers, school support staff and nurses, to bus drivers—can play a critical role in helping end the cruel criminalization, detention and deportation of students and families.
Check out AFT’s Educators and School Support Staff Guide, a brochure with tools and resources to help protect and prepare youth and families in case of immigration and customs enforcement raids.
Download Rights for Immigrant Students Fact Sheet:
Contribute to the AFT Michigan PAC Today
AFT Michigan fights for our members, students, patients and communities all year round and we need your help. Can you donate $1 a week to aid us in this fight? Please visit the AFT Michigan website to contribute and make a big difference in protecting public education and building a better Michigan future!
The AFT TEACH (Together Educating America’s Children) conference will be held July 25-27 in Washington, D.C. AFT locals that have never had members attend a TEACH conference, or have not sent members in the last seven years, are eligible to apply for a scholarship for up to two members per local. These scholarships cover registration and three nights of hotel accommodations. Travel to and from Washington, D.C., is not included. Spots are limited! Apply by Jan. 31.
Happy Holidays from AFT Michigan
In this final email of the calendar year, I’d like to wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Our offices will be closed December 23-January 3. I hope you’re all able to spend some time with your family and friends and enter the new year recharged.
Union Made Gifting
It’s that time of year! No matter what you celebrate or how, we know many of you are looking for that perfect gift for your friends and family. And we’d like to suggest—in what has become our annual tradition— gifting union made.
We’ve expanded our gift guide this year. In addition to the usual assortment of delicious union-made food and drinks, toys and games, and more, we also have gifts for big spenders. Gifts that you can make at home, with union products! Gifts for those who’d rather have an experience. Find that perfect gift, from stocking stuffers to sports equipment to a unique book or theater performance.
Best of all, you can feel proud knowing your gifts are made by workers who stood together for family-supporting wages and good benefits. Supporting union-made goods will help workers and communities across the country—you are essentially voting “Union Yes” with your wallet.
It’s a big comprehensive guide, and it’s all here, so we hope this will be your one-stop shopping list this holiday season. We’ll make your gift-giving easy, and you can support union members with your hard-earned dollars—it’s a win-win!
Check out our Union-Made Holiday Gift Guide here.
In solidarity,
Terrence Martin