In AFT, Blog, Workshops & Training

Join us for the launch of our redesigned union-building and leadership development training program! This session on August 19-20 at Greektown Casino-Hotel is the first of three Leadership Summits during the 2017-18 school year and will focus on helping you assess and develop the fundamental skills all union leaders need, particularly:

  • 1-on-1 organizing conversations;
  • Developing leaders and teams; and
  • Planning campaigns.

In addition, the Summit will include sessions devoted to discussing the future of our union and how we can work together more effectively, including constituency-based discussions at lunch on Saturday and a Presidents’ Council (for local presidents) Sunday morning.

Saturday, August 19

Time Activity
8:30-9:30 Breakfast & Registration
9:30-10:40 Opening Session
10:50-12:20 Workshop 1
12:20-1:50 Lunch Discussion by Constituency (Grads, Nontenure-track, Tenure-track Faculty, PSRP, Teachers)
2:00-3:30 Workshop 2
3:40-5:10 Workshop 3
5:10-5:30 Closing Session
6:00-8:30 LEAD Program Dinner & Opening Session (2016-17 & 2017-18 LEAD locals ONLY)


Sunday, August 20

8:30-10:00 Breakfast (Presidents’ Council for Local Presidents)
10:00-10:20 General Session
10:30-12:30 Workshops
12:30 Lunch
1:00-4:30 LEAD Planning Session (LEAD locals ONLY)

Hotel & Mileage Reimbursement: AFT Michigan will help locals defray the cost of attendance in two ways:

  • Hotel: There is a block of rooms reserved at Greektown through August 4 (and many other hotels nearby). We will reimburse up to $90 per member for people who participate in both Saturday and Sunday. (This means if you share a room with another member, the full cost should be reimbursed.) Please click here for hotel reservations or call 1(877) 424-5554 and use the group code 8197.
  • Mileage for “out-state” locals: Recognizing the distance some locals need to travel, we will reimburse mileage at the IRS rate for members from locals located more than 80 miles from the event.

Breakfast and registration begins at 8:30 and our opening session at 9:30am on Saturday, August 19. We will go until 5:30pm on Saturday. Sunday breakfast begins at 8:30 and the Summit concludes after lunch.

Click here to register for the August 19-20 Leadership Summit!

Note: If you are a member of a current LEAD local, you will be directed to a link to register for the complementary LEAD sessions (Saturday dinnner and Sunday afternoon).

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