The details of the AFT Michigan Legislative Action Day for the Lame Duck legislative session are falling into place and the list of potential legislation is getting longer. We will gather on Tuesday, December 2, 2014, starting at 10am at the Michigan AFL-CIO building, 419 Washington Square South, Lansing, MI, 48933. We would like to have a few members from locals all over the state so we can send people to talk with their Representative or Senator. This is not a rally outside, but speaking to legislators inside. We don’t yet know what bills will be introduced so we must be prepared for anything. Please use this link to register, it will help us plan.
We will not be getting a bus, but if you are interested in car-pooling please email Mark Dilley,, in our office and we will try to make arrangements.
We hope to see you in Lansing on Tuesday, December 2nd.