News from AFT Michigan
August 27, 2018
Contact: David Hecker,
AFT Michigan Supports Ferris Faculty
DETROIT — AFT Michigan released the following statement in support of Ferris State faculty members who are standing up for students, the university and families. The statement can be attributed to David Hecker, president AFT Michigan.
“AFT Michigan stands in full support of the faculty members of the Ferris Faculty Association (MEA) forced out on strike at Ferris State University. No one wants to strike, but at times, management’s actions, or inactions, give people no choice. The striking Ferris faculty are standing up for their students, their university and their families.
AFT Michigan proudly represents the non-tenure track faulty at Ferris State, through the Ferris Non-Tenure Track Faculty Organization (FNTFO). FNTFO members are honoring the no strike provision of their contract, but will not perform any work that would normally be performed by striking faculty.”