April 8, 2019
Graduate Employees Union Gives MSU Treatment of International Students A Failing Grade
On April 4, MSU graduate assistants filled the lobby outside bargaining to grade papers in protest of the university’s rejection of several key contract proposals. The rejected proposals in particular affect international graduate students, a group that faces a number of hurdles and disadvantages within the university like extra fees to attend MSU, unclear standards and regulations of English speaking evaluations to qualify for teaching positions, and strict working guidelines for their visas that may be violated by overworking. GEU is proposing to abolish these fees, make language assessment more transparent, and provide protection against overwork for international students.
Rader Elected to MDP Executive Committee
Eric Rader, External Vice President of the Henry Ford College Federation of Teachers, was elected the Executive Committee of the Michigan Democratic Party.
I appreciated being re-elected. Rader is a longtime Democratic Party activist who truly earned this position. Congratulations Eric.
2019 Rollie Hopgood Future Teachers Scholarship Award Applications Now Available Online!
AFT Michigan has three eligibility categories of the “Rollie Hopgood Future Teachers Scholarship Award” for individuals whose future goal is to become a teacher.
The categories are:
1. Graduating senior of an AFT Michigan high school with the goal of becoming a teacher;
2. AFT Michigan PSRP dues paying member enrolled (full- or part-time) in a teacher certification program at a college or university; and
3. AFT Michigan dues paying member’s son(s) and/or daughter(s) who is a graduating senior with the goal of becoming a teacher.
Click here to download the applications. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Linda Moore at tftlindamoore@gmail.com.
Upcoming Professional Development
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy PreK-14 Workshop
Saturday, May 4, 2019
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
AFT Michigan Office
This in-service will establish the connection between culture and learning, and explore research-based strategies, such as cultural competency, high expectations and critical consciousness.
Click here to register https://aftmichigan.org/events/professional-development-events/#aft-michigan-professional-development/view-actions-details5/5b9ab29c36432c2c3e8d6640/
Upcoming Online AFT Professional Learning Opportunities
Powerful Learning in Community Schools
Wednesday, April 10, at 5 p.m. EDT
Community schools: What are they, and how can these schools improve student competencies, pedagogic outcomes and school climate? By participating in this webinar, you will learn from educators at the United Federation of Teachers and the Baltimore Teachers Union about how community schools—which enable powerful learning through expanded opportunity and deep networks of partnerships—can also create hands-on learning experiences to ensure student success in the classroom while reducing demands on school staff. Register now.
Breaking the Myths of International Comparisons
Wednesday, April 24, at 4 p.m. EDT
Have education research data ever seemed to be inapplicable or even incomprehensible? This webinar provides participants with a straightforward assessment of the complex international comparisons we often run into, making them more digestible by connecting them to real-life stories from educators worldwide. Join us to learn the difference between fact and fiction as we conduct a deep dive into U.S. education and the international comparisons that drive our policy decisions. Register now.
In Solidarity,
David Hecker