Lincoln Consolidated Transportation Workers say “AFT YES” We’re excited to welcome the Lincoln Consolidated Transportation Union (AFT Local 6740), which represents about 40 bus drivers, aides and [...]
AAUP Affiliates with AFT Delegates to the biennial meeting of the American Association of University Professors voted this past Saturday to affiliate with the American Federation of Teachers, [...]
Marching For Our Lives: AFT Michigan Members Stand with Students Demanding Gun Violence Prevention Last Saturday, AFT Michigan members joined hundreds of thousands of people across the country as [...]
March For Our Lives–June 11–State Capitol We are often frustrated over the failure of federal and state legislative bodies to address the issue of meaningful gun control, although [...]
March For Our Lives–Lansing, June 11 Wear Orange–June 3 This Friday is National Gun Violence Awareness Day and the start of Wear Orange Weekend. We need to join together and demand a future free [...]