November 30, 2020 I hope you had a restful holiday weekend and were able to safely connect with family and friends. Amazing to think that it’s December already! AFT Townhall Wednesday, December 2 [...]
November 16, 2020 Governor Announces Increased Safety Measures With the number of COVID cases spiking, Governor Whitmer, using the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services, [...]
November 10, 2020 Where Do We Go From Here? While as a union we celebrate the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the re-election of Gary Peters, and flipping the Michigan Supreme Court, we [...]
November 2, 2020 “It Ain’t Over ‘til it’s Over” Saturday morning my wife Alice and I were driving south on Woodward in Royal Oak and right there in the parking lot of the [...]
November 5, 2020 While results aren’t final across the country yet, and we need to make sure every vote is counted, a relatively clear picture of the results is beginning to emerge. Just like [...]